Funny Strange or Funny Haha?

Whenever someone mentioned to my daddy that something was funny, that was his response.

So here is a funny conversation that occurred in my house the other day.

Me (kinda to myself but a little out loud): “I feel like casting on socks…should I do double points or circulars? hmm…”

Spouse (from other room): “How did you knit your last pair?”

Me (a little surprised by the question): “Circulars”

Spouse: “Magic Loop?”

Me (increasingly surprised): “Yes”

Spouse: “Do one at a time on dpns.”


I’m in a bit of a knitting quagmire. I cast on and ripped out two separate projects. I learned that I do not like knitting bottom-up sweaters. I knit the entire body of The Weekender before realizing the neckline did not flatter. I love the yarn – Donegal Tweed by Takhi. Then, because I like kicking myself while down, I ripped out the work on the Flux Hand Warmers by Martina Behm, a pattern included in Arnall-Culliford Knitwear’s Confident Knitting program. No issue with the pattern, mind you, rather I attempted to knit them with that confounded Queensland Collection Perth. That was my fourth attempt to knit a project with this yarn. Well, you know what they say: Five times a charm! If anyone has knit with this wool, please share any pattern recommendations.

You know, with all of this ripping out, I never did cast on those socks!

So I have nothing to show.

“She hung her head in shame.”

Have a beautiful and blessed day!

Much love,


40 Replies to “Funny Strange or Funny Haha?”

  1. My husbands knows the difference between circs and dpns! And he’ll ask if I’m using the Addis – probably because he bought them for me. Also, that yarn looks delicious. And you did accomplish something- you learned not to make a sweater with that sort of neck again!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love they yarns you have chosen! Sorry they didn’t work out for your intended projects, that is a real disappointment.
    I have some Queensland Perth in a green/pink colorway. I have no idea what kind of socks I want. But I have other socks that I find “ugly” that I still wear, so I don’t think it will matter to me if I like the finished product or not.

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  3. Have you asked the yarn what it wants to be?
    Learning is vital. Without these lesson we would never grow!
    I have knit more than one bottom up sweater and been disappointed. I love a top down pattern if only for the ease of being able to try on as you go.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Can you change the neckline? Perhaps in Ravelry there are others who have changed it and made notes? I don’t like the idea of bottom up as I like to try on. I think my husband thinks all knitting needles have a cord attached as that’s the only type of needle I’ve used for a few years, whether I’m knitting something in the round or a flat dishcloth. Pretty cool of your husband to have a view.

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  5. How neat of your DH to be paying attention to be able to weigh in on your knitting projects 🙂 Sorry those yarns didn’t work out in those projects, but they will in something!
    My Dad used to say that too – maybe it’s a Dad thing?

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  6. That’s a well-informed spouse. My husband doesn’t complain about balls of yarn in the living room, and he has gotten pretty good at praising a new design, but all that sock talk is far beyond him. Good luck finding a pattern for your Perth. It’s always exciting when you find the perfect pattern and yarn combo.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We use a similar phrase, funny ha ha or funny peculiar? I feel your pain on the yarn decisions.I don’t have a stash but do have some beautiful merino that I bought about 3 years ago and I am at a loss to create anything with it. One ball has been worked and frogged about 3 times and another is now a selection of swatches, but I still can’t hit on what to actually do with the rest of it even though I really like it. So I am allowing my creative juices to tell me what, when and how to use it. I just wish they would hurry up. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh gosh. I have done NOTHING that I haven’t ripped out all week. I’ve been trying to control some stress and it has chew apart my knitting. I swear after I garden now, I’m casting and it WILL be a fun successful knit. Nice to know Im not alone

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Top-down knitting for the win, yeah! 🙂 As for the ‘difficult’ yarn, let’s hope you eventually find the perfect project for it, and it’ll take your breath away then. I had one such yarn the I’d frogged sooo many times, and now it’s a beautiful Kashmiri Shawl that I’m absolutely in love with.

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      1. No never bothered me before. I think I was just getting sick. I eventually ripped it out snd made hats with it. It didn’t bother me that time. Hubby badgered me on it so I had just put it away rather than keep hearing that the wool wasn’t good.

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  10. Lol… Loved that conversation… LOL… 🙂 and isn’t it great when we get our hubbies into the Knitting jargon..
    Know how that feels… ripping out… i have done that before to projects nearly completed.. and decided I didnt like it.. Nothing wrong with pattern etc… just me changing my mind..
    Something my hubby still cannot fathom as he says HOW can you rip out all that work you have already done…. easy… JOB satisfaction..

    Lol… Sending lots of love.. Thank you for the smiles Regina… and for your lovely visit today…. We are happy in our creative zones… Happy Knitting and gardening Regina….

    Lots of love my friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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